30: Slowing Down to Find Inspired Action
I know month of December is usually C-R-A-Z-Y for most, but clearly we’re all numb to crazy – thank you 2020! I know it’s been said that life is a marathon, not a sprint, and this year has taught us just THAT!!
IF you didn’t get the message that 2020 was sending, here’s a quick recap:
1. SLOOOOOOOW Down! Be in the moment. Look the person you’re talking to in the eyes (or zoom as it has been this year).
2. Your Health MATTERS!!! This is a principle that I ALWAYS include in my business coaching because if you’re not healthy, you’re not able to serve your clients at the highest level.
3. INSPIRED Action VS Action out of Responsibility . . . As some of you know, I took the past month off from showing up on social media specifically. This was the lesson I learned. Let me explain . . . as a marathon runner, you commit to a goal which requires disciplined and responsible action. There are some mornings that you do not want to run and those runs can sometimes turn out good. BUT – when I’m truly inspired to run, those are my best runs – ease and fun. The same is true with life. If you’re going through life taking action solely out of responsibility, take a pause and ask yourself why and how can you change that.
I hope these tips are helpful and with our 12 Doors to 2021, you can find more tips and resources on today’s The eXperiment Podcast.