83: Million $ Monday Market Update - Top 3 Thanksgiving Locations
Today's podcast is the Million $ Monday Market Update Global Report - Top 3 Thanksgiving Locations. Thanksgiving is one of America’s most beloved holidays, giving families a chance to share a meal together and reflect on all the things for which they are grateful. The first Thanksgiving dates back to Plymouth, MA, in 1621, and each U.S. president declared a yearly celebration of the holiday until Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Thanksgiving into law permanently in 1941.
Traveling for Thanksgiving doesn't necessarily mean giving up all of its treasured traditions. You can still have the all-American feast, play flag football, and do the turkey trot, but from a luxurious destination. Here are 3 of my favorite picks along with what's going on in their respective real estate markets! Check back every Monday for updates on different cities within the US and London. Follow us on Instagram and watch the video there - @lauradoughty_le or on our Monarch Estate YouTube Channel