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Real Estate Agents - Wake the F Up!

Season #3 Episode #96

Yes, I said that! I'm tired of real estate agents leaning SO heavily on their broker when they are independent contractors. As a Broker, I'm legally obligated to make sure that you stay within the legal confines of fair housing and the state contractual obligations of your fiduciary duty for the clients. That's basically it!

As a Broker and a real estate agent, I have ALWAYS used a Buyers Representation Agreement! I was taught by one of the best and this current lawsuit is solely due to lack of an agent(s) understanding their job of representing the buyer and providing a service and requiring that buyer to understand THEY are paying them for that representation. NOT the Seller!!! For more details on this recent lawsuit, refer to the links below. To join Team Monarch, go to Join Team Monarch

Real Trends Article

Burnett v. NAR case docs